Question and Answer

What/who inspired you to get into this field?

I was inspired by my high school biology teacher, an advanced high school biology course and a general curiosity about living things.

What classes would you recommend for this field (high school and college)?

My field is all about being a well-rounded individual. While language and speech classes are important for conveying information to colleagues and potential customers, the biological field is heavily based on science. In high school, I would recommend biology, chemistry, physics, statistics and even calculus. In college, your courses should fit your interests. I work in a molecular genetics and pathogens field, so courses like genetics, virology, bacteriology, biochemistry and statistics are very relevant. Biology is very broad, ranging from sub-cellular to populations and biodiversity — all very important topics within the concept of STEM.

What are some other companies that employ graduates in this field?

This also depends on your interests. Companies in the pharmaceutical, agricultural, medical and even chemical industries rely on biologists. Some examples of larger companies are Eli Lilly and Company, DuPont and Dow Chemical, to name a few.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Knowing I’m working at a place that encompasses the breadth of my Rose-Hulman education, and allows me to do research associated with PhD-level individuals while only holding a bachelor’s degree.

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